An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Martes, Mayo 7, 2013

Patron: Spirit wrapped in Mystique

I consider myself an amateur bartender, in fact, I have invented an exquisite cocktail my friends actually love, I call it "Ice cream Margarita." As with all margaritas, tequila is its most important ingredient, its major ingredient in fact. And of all tequilas, Patron is without a doubt a cut above the rest. It occupies its own lofty position in the world of tequila aficionados. It is my favorite tequila needless to say.

About six years ago, my future brother-in-law gave as a gift his future bride, my sister, a triplet of Patrons packaged in beautiful plastic container, only one remains - a Patron Rebosado. A picture of which appears below:

It's the one remaining of the original three and many an ice cream margaritas were enjoyed by my family and friends with it, of course, masterfully made by me. To this day, I can't seem to gather the guts to open this last  bottle. I have kept is in our cupboards for this long. I don't know, maybe I have become emotionally attached to this piece of work - weird to admit it but nevertheless true.

An article written by Troy Patterson in Slate caught my attention recently, well, the gist of the article is basically that Patron is loved not because of its contents but rather because of its bottle. I could not agree more, indeed, when I first got to taste a Patron, there was admittedly no special flavor I could uniquely discern. Not much unique I should say than all the other tequilas, and there are a multitude of them. But there is one thing that caught my attention, the bottle. The Patron bottle is elegant, suave, dare I say, sexy. It is a classy, hand-made creation - even a masterpiece unto itself.

I distinctly remember when I first introduced the drink to a buddy of mine four years ago, I was talking more about how the bottle is hand-made, blown individually and the like, than its gastronomic characteristics. And I remember, yeah, I fell in love with Patron primarily not because of its flavor, but more so because of its bottle, that mystically wrapped, hand-crafted, really an artwork of a bottle.

The Patron might have gained prominence as the premier tequila because of its cameo appearances in Hollywood movies, but over and above that, it has gained its status as the must-have tequila because of its uniquely designed, smartly marketed bottle. It just conjures classical mysticism of the philosophical type.

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