An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Linggo, Mayo 26, 2013

DOCUMENTARY REVIEW: Religulous by Bill Maher

Watching this movie is like a reminiscing Michael Moore's epic documentary  Fahrenheit 9/11, dubbed by wikipedia as the highest grossing documentary of all time. But whereas Fahrenheit 9/11 talks about the politics of the Dubya's presidency, Religulous is its religious  equivalent.

Bill Maher explores the panoply of religious traditions in different parts of the world and one can see the irony of faith - it seeks to define the afterlife on the basis of the opinions written on ancient, culturally biased practices upon which the faith was born. As such, it is fundamentally prone to create rifts than build bridges. History has shown humanity how such beliefs have breed violence, death and suffering.

At one point, Maher points out that the ideas of Christianity concerning Jesus, his virgin birth, baptism, circumcision, suffering, death and resurrection is not even original. It brings to mind Christopher Hitchens assertion in his book "God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" that monotheistic religions, really referring here to the Abrahamic traditions, is nothing more than a "plagiarism of a plagiarism, of an illusion of an illusion, extending all the way back to a fabrication of a few nonevents."

I think the most important insight that the documentary inculcates is the utter lack of common sense, rationality and prudence that religious texts fundamentally contains and the constant denigration of human nature in order to cater to the vain glorious fetish of a jealous, murderous god who is actually a sadomasochist just to make the point that he created man with a free will to believe in him and his so-called commands and yet for man to choose otherwise is a sure fire way to eternal damnation. What a god he is indeed if he were truly to exist!

The docu clearly presents that finding solutions to the problems of this world is more noble and humane than obsessing about the delusions and magic of an afterlife.

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