An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013

Angelina Jolie's Cancer Fight

A report filed in recently indicated that Hollywood A-list star Angelina Jolie revealed her decision to undergo double mastectomy as a preventive measure against breast and ovarian cancer.

Jolie's decision to share her fight against cancer is a boon for all women and for all cancer victims at that as it shows that preventive medicine is crucial and important in the fight against cancer, and against all diseases for that matter. This will hopefully increase the awareness to undergo regular check-ups as a reasonable and more cost effective strategy in the fight to stay healthy.

Stars always carry a special appeal, indeed, what they wear, what they say, what they do becomes a trendsetter in an instant. And if stars such as those with a calibre as Jolie show by example good habits, in this instance a health related one, then it inspires millions of people, mobilizes people to get into the act. Doctors have never been known for their preventive medicine tactics, and Jolie can instill in millions of people across the world the need to take proactive and preventive acts in order to maintain and stay healthy.

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