An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Miyerkules, Mayo 29, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW: Dark Skies (2013)

A family of four is tormented by mysterious events in their house which began with food from the ref getting eaten, but only the vegetables, followed by liquor bottles arranged in a pyramid in the middle of the night, then the house alarm system being activated with all eight sensors tripping at the same time. The incident is somehow connected to the youngest member of the family, Sam, who seems to talk to this mysterious creature called the "Sandman."

The family's problem is exacerbated with mounting bills, the father's continued unemployment, and Sam's mysterious actuations such as shouting in the middle of a playground and sleepwalking in the middle of the night without him knowing about it.In one incident, a platoon of birds hit the family's house all dying as they do.

Daniel, the father of the house, seems to have some sort of an abrasion at the back of his right ear. When his wife observes this, he brushes it off. One night, Daniel sleepwalks  in the middle of the night and is observed by his wife Lacy, who finds him with mouth agape in the backyard suffering a nosebleed. Earlier in the day, Lacy wakes up at 3:15 in the afternoon, missing her appointment with a potential house buyer. In her dream she bangs her head in one of the houses she is selling while talking to potential buyers and wakes up with a forehead abrasion.

The family sinks into deeper trouble as Sam is found to have blue marks around his abdomen while being undressed for a swimming session. On the other hand, Jessie is found to have red marks around his body while playing with a neighbor in the woods. Daniel is suspected of hurting Sam while Jesse's neighbor is suspected by Daniel of "branding" Jesse.Strange things continue to happen in the household. One night Daniel visits Sam's room and while trying to wake him up finds that his eyes have been removed, Daniel is terrified and wakes up from his dream!

Hoping to find answers, Daniel and Lacy consult a certain Edwin Pollard and finds that they are not alone in their experience and that Mr. Pollard can only say that an alien entity, Mr. Pollard calls "the Grays" is "experimenting" on certain humans. With implants being inserted on select humans, which enables the alien entities to control their subjects and renders them virtual robots. Mr. Pollard informs Daniel and Lacy that the Grays will abduct the first member of the family who has experienced the Grays and the only way to prevent such event is to fight them with all one has, to show to the Grays that in order to get one of the members of the family, the Grays will have to fight too. Pollard impressed upon the Barrett's that they will have to make things difficult for the Grays in order to prevent Sam from getting abducted.

The family eventually preps for such eventuality by buying guns and Lacy getting a fierce dog. One night, the Grays attack the family home, with Jesse and Sam being asked by Lacy to hide in one of the rooms. Daniel fights off the Grays as they enter the house, firing off a shot using a shotgun at a bright white light in front of the main door. The family ends up barricading themselves in one room of the house, with the TV flickering in the background and the Grays surrounding them. Jesse is transported to another room in the house alone and sees Sam running away. Jesse chases after him and is again brought to the house Lacy was trying to sell. Jesse moves to the kitchen of said house where he sees his mother bloody on the floor shot by Daniel. Daniel eventually commits suicide. Jesse then sees Sammy running around the house, chasing after him, he comes to a room where he sees his friend and a girl who once kissed him watching TV.  Jesse realizes that everything was just an illusion and he is brought back to the house with Daniel, Lacy and Sammy looking in horror at him as he stands in the middle of the lobby, surrounded by the Grays. He was eventually taken.

Three months later, the family moves to a new house, minus Jesse. Trying to start a new life. As Lacy was unpacking a box, he comes across pictures of Jesse when he was much younger and finds pictures of the family minus Jesse and drawings with Jesse surrounded by the Grays done by Sam. A two-way radio used by Sam and Jesse to tell scary stories before bedtime suddenly hums, Sam answers and hears the voice of Jesse on the other end. The movie then ends.

The movie was a unique take on the sci-fi genre, with value family being given great importance. I don't know if it was even the intention of the writers to do such, but it gave the message that family is indeed everything in once life. For after all has been said and done, it is the family that we can truly rely on. Although s sci-fi flick, it touches upon the perennial themes of the human experience, that families have always been an important part of the human story - and will always be.

The movie was actually an amalgam of the elements that made X-Files famous, with themes from Fringe, Supernatural and even Touch (at least where it concerns the power of family). As for special effects, not much can be seen as the Grays were portrayed as nothing more than shadows lurking in the dark.

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