An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Lunes, Mayo 20, 2013

Investing in Philippine Politics

An article by Rene Cruz in caught my attention recently. Well, for one, I strongly believed that the S&P actually gave investment grade rating to the recent May 13 Philippine midterm elections, and how such rating will improve the chances of those who invested heavily in said election (read: those who bought massive votes) recover their investments many times over - of course, to the guaranteed and continued impoverishment of the Filipino masses, which of course the masses seem to crave over and over again. I almost believe that the we, the Filipino masses, are really certified masochists to the core, what with our penchant of ensuring that we become perpetually poor and that our political elite eternally plunder, at our bequest, the national coffers.

There is a truthful irony to the article, for indeed, if it were to be rated business wise, it is in fact true that for those, and only for those who invest in Philippine politics and their political puppets, profit can be mind boggling and really, really  mind boggling that one can send his child to study anywhere in the world, buy the most luxurious rest houses and built the most extravagant (think Erap's Boracay Mansion) houses, which, for all intents and purposes, are really palaces.

Whereas political investment, crassly incarnated in the chronic incidences of vote buying, represents the most intuitive business venture for any budding buspol (businessmen who invest in politics), it has a reputational downside, well, you are perceived as filthy, corrupt, mean, brutish, selfish. Qualities which are de rigueur in today's cut throat business environs.

Of course, the losers will always be the common masses, who will have to contend with poor social services, poor healthcare services, poor infrastructure, poor health, poor quality of life and essentially poor, miserable life.

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