An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Biyernes, Mayo 31, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW: The Call (2013)

This is probably the most exciting movie I have watched that stars Halle Berry, who plays a calm and collected 911 operator named Jordan Turner, who is affected by the first murderous rage of a serial killer on a young girl named Leah Templeton Jordan was not able to prevent. Michael Foster is a man who works as a medical representative and has a family with two small children, as a young child, he suffered the death of an older sister which turned out to be an incestuous one.Foster has been killing girls who fit the blonde hair of his sister and scalping them to fit into a mannequin who's head is similar to that of his deceased sister.

Templeton's death greatly affected Jordan and for a time, she did not receive 911 calls. After some time, she somehow recovered and on one occasion, received a distressed call from a young girl named Casey Welson, who is kidnapped from a mall. After Foster's background has been identified, Jordan visits the former house Foster finds and finds a trapdoor. Upon entering, Jordan discovers that the place is being used by Foster to murder his victims. An altercation ensues and Casey is freed. In the ensuing melee, Foster was knocked out and before Jordan could call 911, Casey stopped her. Foster is then found tied and chained to a chair under the former childhood house of Foster that has since burned down and left for good. Jordan and Casey then leave Foster to die inside the unknown location with the alibi that Casey escaped and Jordan found her. Foster was shocked at this and shouts at Jordan to not leave him, at which Jordan replies: "It's already done." These are the same words Foster uttered to Jordan just before Leah Templeton was killed and before Casey's prepaid phone was smashed.

The movie was I should say, crafted to ensure a sustained suspense thrill for almost the entire time Casey was abducted up to the ending. Unlike most suspense thriller flicks, where the element of apprehension, fear and suspense ebbs and flows as the movie runs along, The Call managed to sustain and in fact heighten the thrill and suspense factor up to the end. It is also a plus that the ending is quite unexpected. Casey has learned to toughen it out in as much as Jordan learned to be steely about the entire thing.

I have always liked 911 shows, it's a one program that I really like, the system has helped thousands of people from virtually all sorts of problems. It was even reported at one time that E.R. doctors in one U.S. town dialed 911 because they could not figure out how to manage a patient! I just wish that something of that sort existed in the Philippines.

Overall, a great experience to watch and a tribute to the men and women who make the 911 system an effective service.

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