An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Linggo, Mayo 19, 2013

Are memories reliable?

I have always believed that memories form an integral part of our personalities. They are essentially ourselves as we move along life. Memories gave us a sense of beginning, a sense of belonging, a sense of importance and a sense of ourselves. Losing memories is to lose ourselves from our life experiences. It's like being nothing at all.

A recent article in CNN gave me new insights into the rudiments, at least a bit of it, or should I say, the basics of memory, and that is memories are malleable, they are prone to suggestive change, they are fluid, they are affected by our interactions with other human beings and that they do not remain stagnant.

Such research conducted by Elizabeth Loftus merits further research and at its present progress, indicates that memories should not be the main evidence in criminal prosecutions, that they cannot be relied upon and that it should be treated as a mere anecdote that cannot be used as a basis in convicting or acquitting an accused from a crime.

Indeed, memories are fluid figments of data stored and processed by chemical processes in the brain, and as such, they are affected, influenced, and shaped by the chemical processes in the body in general and in the mind in particular as much as external factors affect humans in the way we feel and perceive the world around us and the experiences we have encountered.

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