An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013

U.S. Debt Default is Averted

After six days of partisan brinkmanship, the US Congress finally passes a band-aid bill that will keep the government open until January 2014 and the debt raised until February 2014.

Reports indicate that in the duration of the shutdown, US 24 billion was lost from the U.S. economy. The shutdown was the result of the perpetual political banter between House Republicans and their rabid dislike for everything Obama. This is what happens when extremists are placed in positions of power. They would bring down anything in order to push one, yeah ONE pet idea. And extremists always push their pet ideas down everyone's throat without regard for consequences, consideration or prudence.

The crisis has been temporarily averted, more of the same could come in the days ahead.

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