An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Biyernes, Oktubre 11, 2013

Malala Yousufzai: Deserving of a Nobel Prize

The clock is ticking for this year's Nobel Peace Prize and most educated people around the world are desperately hoping that Malala, the 16-year old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban for advocating girl's education in her home country, would get the prize.

I agree. If there is any person who should deserve the Nobel Prize in the past year, it would be no other than Malala. For a young girl (she started writing for BBC on the right of girls to an education at the tender age of 11), Malala is ahead of her times, ahead of her peers, and way ahead of Medieval, misogynistic, narrow minded worldview of the Pakistani Taliban.

Malala exudes the wisdom of an old scholar, the prudence of a mother, the strength of a soldier, the eloquence of a poet and the innocence of a child. No other person in the last year deserves therefore the Nobel prize than Malala. I hope she gets the prize, for to do so would really be a boon in the fight for girl's education the world over.

Go Malala, your work is an inspiration to reasoned people all over the world.

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