An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013

Restaurant Review: Ice Tea (Burgos St., Tacloban City)

Basically a beverage resto with tea as its main theme. The place is cool, cozy and very comfortable. The seats are well cushioned and the place smells really good.

This is actually the first time I entered the place. I ordered Blueberry Cheesecake Frappe. It was just good,  not out of this world I would say. My friend ordered Green Apple. I did not actually get a taste of the stuff but it looked really appetizing and very healthy. What is so unique,at least for Tacloban City, about Ice Tea Restaurant is that you can actually choose to regulate the sugar used, I chose my beverage to be sugarless. Others might prefer theirs to be 25%, 50%, 75% sugared. At least when it comes to sweeteners, this place gives its customers the choice to have a say on the matter.

I think I would need another visit or two to the resto to have a conclusive finding on its over-all quality, both from the service side and the food side. But anyway, good impressions so far.

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