An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Huwebes, Oktubre 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Tonight will be a night of revelry for many people. Halloween parties will be held across the Philippines. I am just piqued by the recent rantings of the Catholic Church discouraging Filipinos from donning scary costumes. Instead, the Church wants Filipinos to wear saintly costumes. For one, it is the church who invented the concept of evil to scare the faithful the hell out of thinking independently and blindly follow its so-called "guidance."

Anyway, Filipinos should celebrate Halloween the way they deem proper and enjoyable, not listen to the controlling 'advice' of a church that once sanctioned the murder of innocent men and women for mere suspicion of being a witch, in other words, for thinking outside the dogma of church accepted beliefs. So yeah people, go ahead and wear the scariest costume you can find and hopefully, scare the clergy out of its centuries old hypocritical slumber, maybe then, they would realize that in today's milieu, thinking is actually valued more than hopeful beliefs based on what Christopher Hitchen's would describe as "plagiarism of a plagiarism, delusion of a delusion based on a few non-events..."

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