An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Miyerkules, Oktubre 9, 2013

Saudi Arabia's Unjust Justice System

Once again, a girl is killed, once again it happened in a Muslim country, once again, it occurred in the Middle East, once again, it's Saudi Arabia!

What is shocking, as rightly pointed out by social media users in Saudi Arabia itself, is that the so-called father, al-Ghamdi, who killed the his 5-year old child - by torture! got only 8 years and 600 lashes, the same penalty for a Saudi activist Raif Badawi, sentenced to 7 years in prison and 600 lashes for running an unauthorized web forum. Al-Ghamdi received a lesser fine than four Saudi men who danced naked on top of their car, the latter being sentenced to 2,000 lashes and 10 years in prison.

Saudi Arabia, for all its  material riches, is nothing more than a medieval backwater who happens to exist in the 21st century. It's justice system is known for its unjust, arbitrary, even brutal pronouncements. It's a pity the little girl was born into that country. There is really nothing that can be said about this incident, it's one among countless human rights violations that are institutionalized and indeed, sanctioned by its equally brutal form of Islam, Wahhabism. Pity the girl, pity the women who are always at risked of being lynched in Saudi Arabia.

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