An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Miyerkules, Oktubre 2, 2013

The U.S. Government Shutdown: When Extremists are in Power

The recent U.S. government shutdown is a clear manifestation that in any society, democratic or otherwise, it is always the extremists that somehow, someway, manage to push their narrow goals, however numerically small they may be, that could incalculably affect the well-being of an entire nation.

Without doubt, the current Republican led-House is run by Tea Party conservatives who have consistently opposed Obama, simply because he is Obama, regardless of the merit or reasonableness of his policy. The current shutdown has been rightfully blamed on the Republican Party, currently the most retrogressive and inane institution in the U.S. It's obstructionist policies, narrow goals, and myopic views have caused the U.S. it's first ratings downgrade a few years ago. Not to mention it's lack of a solid governing ethos, other than opposing Obama at every move, has shown that the Republican Party is indeed a party of old, white men who are out of touch, out of tune, out of reason in its approach to governance.

The Republican Party is Exhibit A to all nations that without a tinge of uncertainty indisputably proves that extremists in power will always push a narrow agenda at the expense of the wider, greater good.

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