An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Martes, Hulyo 9, 2013

The RH Debate Moves On

Today the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments for and against the implementation of the very controversial RH Law, officially known as Republic Act 10354. The RH Law is as of date on hold as the SC issued a an order effectively freezing its implementation.

Personally, I have bleak hopes that the law, awfully needed in a country rife with poverty, want and at the same time, excess for the super elite, will ever be implemented. In the meantime, the suffering masses will be held hostage to the dogmatic hallucinations of an anachronistic religious institution, the feisty tentacles of the Catholic Church. A cancer that was crept upon the Filipino psyche for centuries now, only this time, cloaked in the deception of its self-proclaimed egotistical role of a moral guardian, although itself replete with immoralities and obscenities - look no further than the pedophilia cases for example, you will get the gist.

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