An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Linggo, Hulyo 28, 2013

The Medieval Thinking of the Anti-RH Advocates

If there is one article that captures the absurdity, rapacity and plain anachronism of the Anti-RH camps' position as evidenced by the arguments presented by its primary counsels Francisco Tatad, Maria Concepcion Noche and Luisito Liban, this one practically captures it all. From Tatad's likening the RH law to genocide (for all his years as a noted lawyer and senator, he seems to have forgotten the definition of what genocide is) to Noche's blatant disregard for women's health to Liban's misplaced application, understanding and use of the phrase "equal protection clause." It seems that the anti-RH camp is really on it's last vestiges of presenting remotely reasonable, scientifically sound and logically tenable arguments against R.A. 10354.

The arguments presented by Tatad, Noche and Liban were all devoid of even an iota of educated credibility, full of non-sensical non sequiturs and is basically rooted and fundamentally based upon nothing, yes nothing else but the continued upholding of the Catholic Church's delusions of reality, it's historically proven insistence on its own way and it's perpetual fetish to control the lives, the thinking and the genitalia of its adherents. Philippines is slowly but steadily moving out of its shadow of repressed thoughts and feelings and its own self-created world of ideals that it itself cannot even relate to.

The anti-RH camps' arguments represent the spasms of a dying cause, the detritus of the steady decline of the Catholic Church's influence and dominion over the Filipino mind and the last attempt by a landed, obscenely wealthy, morally dubious, and intellectually petrified state of the Philippine Catholic Church.

It is frustratingly slow but cathartic that many Filipino's no longer subscribe, hook, line and sinker to the tantrums of the Catholic Church, a church who has grown wealthy in the Philippines at the expense of the Filipino people, and continues to pauperize the latter in its utopian, theocratic principles that in many causes hinder the economic ad social upliftment of the Filipino nation.

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