An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Martes, Setyembre 24, 2013

Flooding in Manila: Political Incompetence and Corruption Permeating Politics

If there is one brutal effect that corruption and incompetence brings, it is suffering and death.

Suffering and death is one constant struggle faced by ordinary Filipinos. The chronic inability of politicians to provide adequate infrastructure services to stem the tide of the perpetual floods that have now become a regular feature of Manila during the rainy season is one evidence that corruption is well and alive, as it has always been, in Manila in particular and the Philippines in general.

The inability of good-hearted citizens to stamp out corruption is continuing to drain the potentials of this country and ensures it wallows in an endless cycle of poverty and suffering, violence and wars.

The Philippines needs people who can stem the tide of corruption and incompetence, the Filipino people needs to wake up from slumber and learn to distinguish between reality and farce, between politics and thievery, between sustainable progress and ephemeral development, between what we want as a people and what we want in our future.

We have to want change if change is to come, we have to change ourselves for change to happen, we have to believe we can change if change is to last.

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