An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Huwebes, Setyembre 5, 2013

Debating on Friday

For the first time in a long time, I will representing my class in our law days debate. I have never been really a part of any debating team, nor was I ever trained in the rudiments of debate, but this opportunity I cannot pass, as it comes once in a while, and although I have apprehensions as to its outcome, I am willing to face the challenge with an open mind and a determined heart.

Mustering the intellectual stamina as well as the requisite analytical and linguistic skills will be a challenge to behold. And yes, I will do my best, my utmost best to give a decent fight.

Life is like a constant debate, but unlike the traditional debate where the masterful play of words and a scheming mind works to one's advantage, the real "life debate" is the sustained battle of wills, hearts and minds. Come Friday, the art of mustering my long lost debating skills will be tested to the maximum. Bring it on! I dare say. Bring it on!

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