An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Miyerkules, Oktubre 16, 2013

Internet Connection in Tacloban City still Weak

A day after the devastating quake that struck under Bohol, I still could not connect to the internet, it seems that underground fiber optic cables were damaged by the quake. In addition, the death toll in the quake has been steadily rising.

Structures that collapsed such as the historic churches and some houses and buildings, were somehow found to be below par in terms of structural strength vis-a-vis it's ability to weather earthquakes. As for the churches, such as the 400-year old Luboc Church, this is not surprising since such monuments were built at a time were modern construction techniques were not even thought of. But as is the problem with public officials, nothing was done to spruce up and provide structural support to these monuments before the quake. Prudence again, was wanting. Again, not surprising being that public officials are more reactive than proactive, always failing to plan for the future, merely reacting to catastrophes after the fact is unacceptable in this day and age.

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