An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Huwebes, Hunyo 27, 2013

Secrets to Happiness

I think it is fair to say that everyone seeks to be happy. Indeed, human beings do the things they do to achieve, at least in their views, what for them constitutes happiness. Self-disciplined people are viewed more often with disdain and pity, the average person will consider a disciplined person as lackluster, boring and plain to say the least.

A recent study however revealed that disciplined people are happier than most perceive. The secret lies in not only sense of self-control and the ability to delay gratification, but  most of all, it is in their ability to avoid situations that would put temptations up front in the first place. Since disciplined people, according to the study, avoid situations in which conflicting interests, like say, eating sugary foods and the risk for developing diabetes, they are more at peace and in peace about their lives. By avoiding situations that could create unpleasantnees in the first place, disciplined people have already a happy situation.

This is clearly an eye-opener for me, for indeed, it confirms the age old saying, especially propounded by the existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, that life is what we make of it. The philosophers of long ago are indeed right, life is the choices we make.

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