An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Miyerkules, Hunyo 19, 2013

A Grave Social Injustice Committed by the SSS

I recently saw in the news a very disgusting and disappointing news, the SSS has just implemented a rule wherein those who would turn 65 need to complete at least 120 months of contributions in order to avail of lifetime pension, otherwise, such retirees will have to content themselves with a lumpsum payment. What is tragic about this story is that this is obviously unfair, unjust and plain insult to the thousands of Filipino prospective retirees who have to find ways to complete the required number of months in order to avail of their duly receivable pension.

This is plain travesty of social justice and common sense. You don't just change the rules in the middle of the game! This is something little children learn from the beginning. Aside from the fact that a multitude of SSS pensioners receive meager monthly pension as it is, implementing this 120 month rule is just adding insult to injury.

Millions of Filipino who will turn 65 this 2013 will be affected by such rule and will certainly add to their already bleak twilight years. The SSS should be reminded that there is enough funds from younger contributors, and that SSS contributions should have been used judiciously and creatively to bolster its finances and clamp down on erring officials who use SSS contributions, 98% of which are borne by minimum wage earners and salary persons, to enrich their personal pockets by depositing such money in seedy institutions that reward huge interests but leave nothing else for the future Filipino retiree.

The immorality of such policy should be pointed out and cause oriented groups should vehemently oppose such abusive, unfair and practically unjust ruling. Where is the Catholic Church on this issue? Can we expect it to push the issue in the same way its pushing against the implementation of the R.A. 10354?

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