An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Sabado, Abril 13, 2013

The NRA as the Mercantile Arm of Gun Manufacturers

A report filed by John Donahue of CNN revealed that 91% of Americans support universal background checks as opposed to 8% and in households with guns, this margin translates to 88% for and 11% against the measure.

It is clear that America really takes the recent events at Sandy Hook to heart and considers universal background checks as a reasonable way to ensure that guns stay within those who have the mental faculties to hold them. However, the powerful NRA, the U.S. gun lobby, as opposed universal background checks on the ground that it is a pretext for indiscriminate gun confiscation later on. Such baseless propaganda is actually believed by American with 48% of those surveyed agreeing to such proposition.

Donahue dissects the fundamental reason why the NRA would oppose a measure that is by all accounts, fair and reasonable. And the answer is, well: money. Now let us put this in perspective, the NRA as it stands today is undoubtedly controlled by and influenced heavily by gun manufacturers. Indeed, the NRA has nothing been more than a lobbying arm of the gun industry and nothing else. It is actually using its members as mere backdrops in order to serve the vested interests and the profit margins of gun manufacturers to the detriment of society at large.

Now, Donahue presents a convincing case for the theory that money is the ulterior motive. If universal background checks will be implemented, the market for guns would be significantly reduced since criminals and the insane will be out of the picture. By opposing such measure any way it can, the gun manufacturers of America through the NRA, in the guise of defending the second amendment and in the so-called "fight" to ensure that information gathered from background checks will not be later on used to take away guns, vehemently opposes universal background checks.

So there, in a nutshell, is the reason why the recalcitrant NRA goes against reason, logic and the popular will in opposing universal background checks, pure lust for money at the expense of the safety of the American public. This is, frankly, corporate greed at its height.

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