An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Lunes, Nobyembre 4, 2013

TV SHOW REVIEW: The Walking Dead S04E04

This was probably for me the most boring and least stimulating episode of the entire run of the Walking far. However, there is a caveat, dare I say a saving event, shown with increasing clarity, Carol's transformation from the fearful, abused wife that she was when Rick first met her to a take-charge, no non-sense group player that she has become.

Many fans of the show have commented in support of Rick's expulsion of Carol from the prison lair that the group is presently holed up in. They say Carol deserves to be let go from the group as she has become nothing more than a cold, calculated person. That she has lost a sense of compassion and the like etcetera etcetera, etcetera.

I'll give my take on this, in support actually of Carol's actions. For all that she has experienced, encountered and endured, Carol has come to look upon life as what it should be, a constant calculation between ideals and the practical demands of existence, actually survival, in a world devoid of any semblance of civilization and decorum. More than what most fans of the show will actually admit, life teaches us many things, and sometimes, hard decisions have to be made, in order for survival to be guaranteed. In many circumstances, even Carol's dectractors will do exactly what she has done, and in cases of extreme peril and natural calamities, it is in fact a common phenomenon to secure for one's group, family or tribe a favorable advantage over and above all others. Indeed, in many instances across history, this has in fact become a common feature. While I do not deny that even in such circumstances, some of us actually will do unselfish acts, think of Oskar Schindler, who saved hundreds of German Jews from the genocidal antics of Nazi Germany or Florence Nightingale, whose unselfish service to wounded English soldiers during the Crimean War actually resulted in the birth of the nursing profession, to say that doing what Carol did is inhumane is to say that man is a static creature.

Carol did what she did in the belief that threats to the group must be neutralized as much as possible, and in the earliest possible instance as practicable as can be, and with good reason, the dearth of resources and the uncertainly of daily living has taught Carol to act with prudence and not with emotions. It's sad that Rick expelled her for protecting the group that she has come to love and come to depend upon. What she did in the murder of two of residents of Block C was, when taken within the context of Carol's role and the circumstances of the group, reasonable and in fact understandable.

When faced with similar circumstances, most of us will actually retreat to our ethnic group, then to our tribe, then to our respective families - exactly what Carol did. For after everything has been said and done, she knows too well that sooner or later, the two sickly persons will become a threat to the life and welfare of the entire group, especially the group she has come to know in Herschel's farm, her new family.

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