An unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Sabado, Marso 16, 2013

North Korea's Bellicose Posturing

Foreign Policy recently reported that North Korea is threatening to conduct a "pre-emptive" nuclear strike against the United States. As usual, the regime of Kimg Jong-Un, as has those before him, are heavy on cantankerous verbosity reflecting its innate vulnerability and insecurity, if anything, such jingoistic outbursts highlights its incessant need to assert itself on the international stage, much like a toddler would throw tantrums to get attention and feed its need to express wants.

Kim Jong-Un, being foreign educated, he is reputed to have studied in Switzerland, would somehow act more dignified and respectable that would in some ways, bring North Korea into the fold of the international community. Such is the perpetual rut in which North Korea is that any reasonable hope of having a constructive and progressive dialogue is almost a far-off possibility. Indeed, the North Koreans seems ever more moving to the bizarre and outright outlandish antics befitting a spoiled child. I suspect that the people behind the regime is catering only to the narrow interests of the vested elite and not surprisingly though, at the cost of impoverishing the populace.

I really, really hope that the regime on which the North Korean nation is founded would slowly unravel under the weight of its own delusions and schizophrenic machinations. Of course, as it stands nowadays, such is still far from even a remote reality. Who knows, the North Korean people may just give the more a welcome surprise?

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